What Should I Expect?
Sunday is our favorite day at Croton Church of Christ.
Sunday mornings at 10am, you can expect a blended worship experience and good practical teaching from the Bible. Children’s church is available for pre-school through 5th grade and will be dismissed to their programing during the worship service at 10am.
If this is your first time checking things out, keep scrolling to explore the different elements of Croton Church of Christ.
9am Sunday School for Adults
10am Worship Service
Every week Terry Erwin brings a message that is true to Scripture and relevant to life. We try to make it straightforward and easy to follow along. We can also make a Bible available to you.
Meanwhile, if you have kids in Pre-K through Elementary, they are experiencing an awesome message/lesson on their level. Be sure to ask your kids what they learned about each week!
What We Believe
The Bible is God’s Truth
The Bible was given to us to provide a picture of who God is and what He wants for our lives. The Bible shows us that Jesus is the Son of God. We understand that because of Christ’s human mother, Mary, and His divine origin from God, Jesus is fully human, and fully Divine.
Jesus Is The Only Way
The Bible shares the plan of salvation for every person. Having faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to have a saving relationship with God. There is no work or merit involved in salvation, we recieve salvation as a gift from God. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
Jesus Came to the Earth For Many Reasons
Jesus came to teach us how to live by his own example on a daily basis. Most importantly, Jesus Christ came to die on the cross for the payment of our sins. His death was the ultimate sacrifice, showing us love from God.
We All Need Saved
An individual accepts the free gift of Salvation by responding to the Bible’s Plan:
1. Faith in Jesus Christ (Hebrews 11:6)
2. Repentance, or turning from our life of sin. (Acts 3:19-20)
3. Publicly share your faith. (Matthew 10:32)
4. Baptism by immersion. (Acts 2:38, Romans 6:4)
5. Grow in Christ! (2 Peter 3:18)